Kids Have Stress, Too! 3-6 yrs

This training provides a comprehensive introduction to key aspects of early childhood and brain development, as well as the crucial role caregivers and educators play in helping children learn effective stress-management strategies. 

Introduction to Infant and Early Mental Health

(5 hours) Participants will attend two watch parties, 2 hours each facilitated by AHVNA, and each will receive The Comfort, Play, Teach: The First Five Years booklet. Some key concepts and theoretical models that will be explored are the importance of relationships, the developing brain, understanding behaviours, cultural competence and embedding a family approach into … Read more

MindUP 3-6 yrs

5 Hours For early childhood educators. Two 2.5-hour watch party sessions will be facilitated by AHVNA. Three lovable, plush characters and a chime would be provided to each ELCC program, and each ECE would have a membership for 1 year to continue their own self-directed learning.

Kimochis 0-6 yrs

8 hours Four 2-hour sessions delivered virtually, facilitated by AHVNA and Ellen, author of the Kimochis curriculum. Each ELCC program will receive a Kimochis early childhood kit and a set of all five books. In addition, each ECE will receive a mixed bag of feelings with feel guide, Kimochis feelings deck, Kimochis poster, and handouts. … Read more