Introduction to Infant and Early Mental Health Virtual Watch Party *April 2023*

Event Phone: 780-429-4787

Introduction to Early and Infant Mental Health is a free online webinar series that “provides an overview of early development with a focus on infant mental health and factors that can support or hinder development. Theoretical models that can be used to understand behaviors and influencing factors will be explored and considered within the context of community programs that work with families and young children.”

This training introduces anyone working with infants, young children, and their families to the basic concepts of infant and early mental health. The 4-hour webinar focuses on a number of topics that range from brain development to attachment and relationships, to cultural humility as well as community and advocacy.

This training will be split into three, 2 hour sessions.

This Web Series, updated in 2022, includes information regarding the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s included?

  • Each Educator attending the training will receive a copy of Comfort, Play & Teach: The First Five Years resource manual, full of developmentally-appropriate activities and strategies to promote healthy brain development, a set of Brain Insights cards, and an Educator wellness kit.
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Educators will be eligible for paid time to attend training (if applicable)

Why a Watch Party?

  • Because it is more fun to watch together!
  • It’s sometimes hard to fit things in unless we schedule them
  • The information will be highly applicable to the work you do with families and young children

Watch Party Expectations

  • Each person needs to complete the pre-survey online prior to the first watch party
  • The nature of the activities mean people can watch from one computer (depending on health regulations, your whole team can watch together if you want!)
  • Be on camera most of the time, for attendance purposes
  • Complete the post survey online after you have watched all the sessions
  • Don’t forget the popcorn!

If you have any questions, or require assistance with registration, please email or call our administrative team at 780-429-4787

  • Day 1
     April 4, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Day 2
     April 11, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Day 3
     April 18, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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