
Kids Have Stress, Too! Grade 4-6

This research-based program is built on an experiential learning approach. Its aim is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency.…

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Kids Have Stress, Too! Grade 1-3

This research-based program is built on an experiential learning approach. Its aim is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency.

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MindUP 3-6 yrs

5 Hours For early childhood educators. Two 2.5-hour watch party sessions will be facilitated by AHVNA. Three lovable, plush characters and a chime would be provided to each…

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This training provides a comprehensive introduction to key aspects of early childhood and brain development, as well as the crucial role caregivers and educators play in helping children learn effective stress-management strategies. 

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(5 hours) Participants will attend two watch parties, 2 hours each facilitated by AHVNA, and each will receive The Comfort, Play, Teach: The First Five Years booklet. Some key concepts and theoretical models that will be explored are the importance of relationships, the developing brain, understanding behaviours, cultural competence and embedding a family approach into…

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This research-based program is built on an experiential learning approach. Its aim is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency. Provides educators with practical, developmentally appropriate, engaging activities for students aged 9 to 12.

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This research-based program is built on an experiential learning approach. Its aim is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency.

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5 hours For out-of-school-care educators. Two 2.5-hour watch party sessions will be facilitated by AHVNA. Three lovable, plush characters and a chime would be provided to each ELCC program, and each ECE would have a membership for 1 year to continue their own self-directed learning on

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5 Hours For early childhood educators. Two 2.5-hour watch party sessions will be facilitated by AHVNA. Three lovable, plush characters and a chime would be provided to each ELCC program, and each ECE would have a membership for 1 year to continue their own self-directed learning.

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Introduction to Infant and Early Mental Health


MindUP Grade Out of School Care 6-12 yrs